
Just How Far Can Branded Collateral Take You?

27 Mar 2015

If you are in business, you will certainly want to take any opportunity possible to promote your company and raise its profile. Why Is Company Stationery Important? Branded business stationery is not just a luxury …

The 5 Favourite Fonts in Graphic Design

15 Mar 2015

Choosing a font for use on promotional material isn’t about pot luck or picking one out based on a fun-sounding name. The font you choose for any type of communication should be given considerable thought …

5 Vital Things that Great Branding Can Do for Your Business

05 Mar 2015

In today’s ultra-competitive business environment, the importance of branding cannot be overstated. In fact, branding is serious strategic business. A well-developed brand image gives a business a credible identity and lets customers know at a …

Fontsmith launches a new speciality signage typeface, FS Millbank

27 Feb 2015

A new type of font specifically designed for signage and wayfinding purposes has been created by Fontsmith. The custom-built FS Millbank font was the brainchild of designer Stuart de Rozario and developed over a period …

Cities have become brands, and fonts are their face

26 Feb 2015

Many of the major cities across the globe are now extremely powerful brands. These key cities have their individual styles and designs that complement the cultures that exist within the areas. Some of these destinations …

Common Airport Typefaces

25 Feb 2015

Public places are filled with signage. Some help people to find their way, others issue commands such as No Smoking, Keep off the Grass and Staff Only. Few people pay attention to the typefaces used …

What are slugs and bleeds and how are they used?

15 Feb 2015

Whilst slugs and bleeds might sound like things used by medieval doctors to cure all manner of nasty ailments, these are actually two terms used in the creation of documents for printing. Previously only really …


10 Feb 2015

Ghost signs are faded advertisements that were once hand-painted on to the sides of buildings in many of our towns and cities to promote a wide range of products, services or businesses. They were commonly …

The best ways to link your signage to your social in 2015

05 Feb 2015

Over the last decade, the internet has become hugely important, and many people now use it as a primary means of finding information, communicating and networking. The great thing about social media is that it …

Residents Block Aldi Advertisements

05 Feb 2015

Billboard posters and large signs can be the ideal way of attracting interest from people who can take advantage of the products or services on offer. The key to this, however, lies in the quality …